2–6 Jun 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

Analytical Genetics 2025

The 2025 "Analytical Genetics" meeting will be held June 3-6 at the  Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, in Plön, Germany.

The meeting has evolved from a symposium first held in 1989 to honor John Roth and his numerous contributions.  The purpose of the meeting is to provide a forum for discussing genetic approaches to complex biological processes / problems. While there are numerous meetings that focus on molecular biology, genomics, and biochemistry, there is a compelling need for a meeting devoted to the use of genetic tools to test functional predictions arising from investigations into how things work (and don’t work). Despite a plethora of postgenomic tools, genetic approaches remain essential for establishing cause and effect in vivo.

The meeting will be small (maximum 75 people) in order to promote interactions between all participants. The talks will focus on a variety of problems, including: mechanisms of genetic recombination, genome organization, regulation of gene expression, function of metabolic pathways, mechanisms of gene exchange and evolution, mobile genetic elements, and analysis of pathogenic and environmental microbes.

Since the goal is to stimulate thinking and discussion instead of presenting reams of results, the seminars will all be 15-20 minute "chalk-talks" - no slides or overheads allowed, no exceptions (the actual length of talks will be determined once we know the final number of attendees).  Posters are also encouraged, especially if you wish to show results that are not "chalk-talk" friendly. We will allow time for questions after each talk and there will be plenty of time for further discussion during breaks and social hours each evening. We will try to accommodate as many talks as possible,

June 2:                   Arrival, dinner, and opening session;

                               check-in will open at 4 pm

June 3-5:                Scientific sessions and social activities

June 6:                   Morning session, lunch, departure; meeting will end by noon

Plön is a delightful small town in the north of Germany. Hamburg is the closest major airport, from which Plön is easily accessed. Our meeting will be the first to take place in the new Institute building. The local environment provides a perfect backdrop in which to present, discuss and meander the lakes and wilds, while yacking science. 

Important: Accommodation
Since Ploen is a small town and also a tourist hotspot from May - September, it is very important that you book your accommodation directly after registration. We have reserved a room contingent at Hotel Dieksee in Malente (neighbouring town with a 10 min - railway connection twice an hour).

The booking deadline is February 28, 2025. Please find the details on how to book here.

Hotels and holiday homes directly in Ploen can be found here: holsteinischeschweiz.de


There will be no registration charge and with the exception of breakfast, all meals will be provided at no cost to attendees. For less-well funded labs we are open to providing financial support for accommodation and transport. For applying, please contact Maren Lehmann, lehmann@evolbio.mpg.de after your registration.

If you would like to attend, you MUST register by March 31, 2025.

Registration for this event is currently open.