17–18 May 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Data Management Workshop: May 17 - 18, 2021

We cordially invite all colleagues to our workshop on research data management. The workshop will give an in-depth introduction to data management with SEEK and openBIS, two leading open-source data management solutions. Plenary talks including use cases by "power users" of SEEK and openBIS will be complemented by hands-on  sessions led by professional data management trainers.

SEEK and OpenBIS

SEEK is a web-based data catalogue and commons platform for sharing heterogeneous scientific research datasets, models, or simulations, processes and research outcomes. It preserves associations between them, along with information about the people and organisations. For more information, visit https://seek4science.org/

OpenBIS is an integrated solution for Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN), Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), and Data Management. More information at https://openbis.ch/.



The workshop will be held as a virtual online conference. Links to the sessions will be communicated to the participants.


Please register by following this link: https://workshops.evolbio.mpg.de/event/42/registrations/

The plenary talks are open to all while the hands-on sessions are limited to 30 participants.



Day 1 of the workshop is devoted to the data sharing and dissemination platform SEEK. Day 2 will cover the integrated data management solution openBIS, featuring an Electronic Lab Notebook, Laboratory Information Management System and more. For details, please visit the Scientific Programme .

