11:05 AM
OSS in Climate Modelling, Introducing a Software Policy at an MPI
Reinhard Budich
(MPI for Meteorology)
Maximilian Funk
(MPI for Meteorology)
11:30 AM
Good Practices for Documenting Copyright and License Information in your Software
Tobias Schlauch
11:55 AM
Data management for heterogeneous research environments with CaosDB -- Experiences from an MPDL Open Source development project
Daniel Hornung
Florian Spreckelsen
(IndiScale GmbH)
Freija Nordsiek
(MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization)
12:15 PM
Developing a software platform for a systems’study of human history
Ricardo Fernandes
(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany)
12:35 PM
Managing data at a small-sized sequencing facility
Ilja Bezrukov
(MPI Biology)
12:55 PM
StudyDB — Key Concepts
Stefan Vollmar
(MPI Stoffwechselforschung)
1:15 PM
FAIRness of the mathematical research-data repository MathRepo
Christiane Görgen
(Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)