This is the second collaborative meeting between the Department Evolutionary Theory, MPI Ploen, and the Dioscuri Centre for Physics and Chemistry of Bacteria. The aim is to promote the exchange of ideas and foster new collaborations between individual researchers from the two groups as well as researchers from other groups working on similar problems (for details, see the list of talks and invited speakers). The meeting is also open to all local researchers.
The Dioscuri Centre is located in the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAN, Warsaw, Poland. The Centre’s main objective is to combine experiments and mathematical modelling to better understand bacterial growth and evolution. To fulfil its mission, the Centre has partnered with the Department Evolutionary Theory.
The Dioscuri programme is coordinated by the German Max Planck Gesellschaft and the Polish National Science Centre, and co-funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Invited speakers:
Joachim Krug (
Nicolas Desprat (
Helen Alexander (
Julia Bos (
Find the workshop program below.
Further information on the Department Evolutionary Theory and the Dioscuri Centre is available here and here.