5-8 June 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Evolutionary rescue with interspecific interactions

8 Jun 2023, 14:00


Masato Yamamichi (The University of Queensland)


Classic studies on evolutionary rescue have considered single species dynamics, but no species exist in isolation in nature. By considering various interspecific interactions as well as coevolution, complex dynamics can emerge in evolutionary rescue. For example, rapid adaptive evolution of prey species can prevent predator extinction when there is a trade-off between defense and growth in the prey population (indirect
evolutionary rescue). This occurs because the initial reduction of the predator population drives adaptive evolution of less defended prey, which in turn increases predator population growth. To understand such unintuitive and complex dynamics, we employ mathematical models with
eco-evolutionary dynamics. This approach is also useful for community ecologists examining invasion growth rates to understand stable coexistence of competing species. Here I will discuss recent studies on evolutionary rescue with interspecific interactions, modern coexistence theory with rapid evolution, and future perspectives.

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