12–13 May 2022
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Europe/Berlin timezone

DynamicalSystems.jl - Nonlinear dynamics software for everyone

12 May 2022, 14:40
Lecture Hall (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology)

Lecture Hall

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology

August Thienemann Strasse 2 24306 Plön Germany
onsite Session 1


George Datseris (MPI Meteorology)


DynamicalSystems.jl is an award-winning software library for nonlinear
dynamics and nonlinear timeseries analysis. It was born out of
frustration when facing two problems: (1) the lack of a general-purpose
accessible software for nonlinear dynamics for using in the lecture
hall, and (2) the complete and utter lack of reproducibility of the
entire field. DynamicalSystems.jl was designed to address both of these
problems, and also offer much more. It is structured in a way of an
encyclopaedia on nonlinear dynamics, and was written with clarity of
source code as the highest priority. By now, it has seen contributions
by dozens of individuals initially unaffiliated with the library.
Besides making nonlinear dynamics accessible, this has also enabled
brand new kind of research, born on, and done entirely on, GitHub, an
open source software collaboration platform. In this presentation I will
discuss how DynamicalSystems.jl came to be, why it is the first software
to succeed in what it does, and ultimately, how it can make the field of
nonlinear dynamics reproducible.

Presentation materials