May 12 – 13, 2022
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Europe/Berlin timezone

barbac: A versatile tool for quantifying barcoded populations

May 12, 2022, 3:25 PM
Lecture Hall (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology)

Lecture Hall

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology

August Thienemann Strasse 2 24306 Plön Germany
onsite Session 2


Dr Loukas Theodosiou (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology) Andrew Farr (MPI Evol bio) Paul Rainey (MPI Evolutionary Biology)


Over the last few years, evolutionary biologists have tagged with short sequences the individuals of bacterial populations, yeast populations, and cancer cells to understand better the eco-evolutionary dynamics that shape their biodiversity, as well as the dynamics that govern microbial communities. A crucial technical stepping stone for understanding these questions is quantifying these barcoded populations after amplicon sequencing. We have developed barbac, an R-package that allows extracting, clustering, and merging barcodes in a time series. Compared to other similar pipelines, barbac offers the possibility of using several clustering methods, graphic visualisations of the metadata, an interactive format through a shiny app. The versatility of barbac allows having wide applications in bioinformatics and text analysis.

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