Nov 12 – 14, 2024
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Europe/Berlin timezone

The focus of the workshop will be on networks in various biological systems across levels of biological organisation, from social learning to cooperation, from microbiome to collective behaviour. We will address various different processes that can occur in such networks, from transmission of information and disease to developmental and evolutionary changes in networks.

We will have a mix of plenary talks from experts in the field, participant presentations and a detailed, hands-on workshop on (social) network analysis in R.

There is no participation fee for the workshop.



During the workshop, coffee/tea and snacks will be provided at the coffee breaks, as well as dinner on days 1&2 and lunch on days 2&3. Participants are responsible to organise their own travel, accommodation and other meals.

Supported by
Early-career Social Learning Researchers' Career Network (ESLR)

Organised by
Luca Hahn, Ishaan Sinha, Fragkiskos Darmis, and Alexandros Vezyrakis

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
August-Thieneman-Str. 2 24306 Plön, Germany
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Registration for this event is currently open.