Apr 27 – 30, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone


The realisation that evolution can be fast enough to affect microbial species interactions and abundance has changed the field of community dynamics. Scientists have started integrating methods from population biology and evolutionary biology to understand how microbial communities may change under different conditions and spatial scales. Although progress has been made, it is yet quite challenging to understand microbial communities in their natural complexity. With our workshop "Evolving Microbial Communities" we aim to discuss the recent advances in the field and new concepts for understanding and predicting how and why communities are changing over time. We aim to invite top researchers that investigate the area from different fields (experiment, theory) and promote dialogue among them.

Confirmed invited speakers are: Tim Barraclough (University of Oxford), Thomas Bell (Imperial College London), Brendan Bohannan (University of Oregon), Daniel S. Fisher (Stanford University), Tadashi Fukami (Stanford University), Ivana Gudelj (University of Exeter), Florien Gorter (ETH Zürich), Sara Mitri (University of Lausanne), James Prosser (University of Aberdeen), Paul Rainey (MPI for Evolutionary Biology), Marjon de Vos (University of Groningen), Katrine Whiteson (UC Irvine).

The workshop is organised by Loukas Theodosiou and Andrew Farr (Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology)
