May 16, 2022 to June 3, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Practical Information



You can find detailed directions to get to Plön from Hamburg Airport on the main MPI website.

Downtown Plön is 15 - 20 min away on foot.

Mask Regulations

Current health regulations as of May 2022 require you to wear a medical mask (surgical or FFP2) in all public transport and  closed spaces such as shops and restaurants. You may remove your mask outdoors and while sitting in a restaurant. When in doubt, please err on the side of wearing your mask.

COVID Testing

If you need a test during your stay or before returning home, tests can be scheduled free-of-charge at multiple centers in town. Go to:

Once you click go this website, follow these links to get to the appointment page:

Plön Fegetasche  (click on 'Termin vereinbaren', which means to make an appointment)-> PoC Schnelltest (Bürgertest) -> CoronaWacht Plön



In case of illness

Before you arrive, and at any point during the meeting, if you feel you have any cold-like symptoms (sore throat, body aches, fever, cough, headache etc.), please do not come to the institute - stay in your accommodation. You can message us for further instructions and help if you become sick

During your stay

You may need to pay with cash in some occasions
You can find cash dispensers/ATMs here:

- Hamburg Airport

Förde-Sparkasse (bank in downtown Plön)

Plön gas station

The closest supermarket to the MPI is Aldi. You can also find Rewe in downtown Plön.

Toiletries are also available at the Rossmann.

A pharmacy (Apotheke) is just a few minutes away from the MPI.


The weather in Plön is quite unpredictable. Please plan for the possibility of rain. Since some sessions might occur with open windows or outside, please also bring some warm layers.