4-8 July 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Multivariate adaptive dynamics and games

6 Jul 2022, 16:00


Hans Metz (Leiden University)


Adaptive dynamics (AD) is the natural biological embedding for evolutionary game theory. It looks how continuous traits, think e.g. of the frequency of playing hawk, develop over evolutionary time through subsequent mutant substitutions. This dynamic embedding allows to bring to bear various tools of dynamical systems theory, think e.g. of the development of a bifurcation theory for ESSes. In the talk I will give a short overview of the main tools and general results of AD, with particular attention to the biological perspective, with the goal to help with the further biologising of the mathematics. The stress will be on the multivariate case, as one inevitably ends up there when trying to increase the biological content of one's models, and it is where at this moment most open problems are to be found.

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