Genetics of Migration

from Monday, 11 March 2024 (15:00) to Thursday, 14 March 2024 (12:55)
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (Lecture Hall)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
11 Mar 2024
12 Mar 2024
13 Mar 2024
14 Mar 2024
Keynote (until 10:15) (Lecture Hall)
09:30 Migratory connectivity of pied flycatchers unravelled in a common garden experiment - Koosje Lamers (University of Groningen)   (Lecture Hall)
Talks (until 10:55) (Lecture Hall)
10:15 Causes and consequences of non-random gene flow in lake-stream stickleback - Marius Roesti   (Lecture Hall)
10:35 Ancestral winter quarters shape and constrain the evolution of long-distance migration - Staffan Bensch (Lund University)   (Lecture Hall)
10:55 --- Coffee Break ---
Keynote (until 12:15) (Lecture Hall)
11:30 The neurogenomics of avian migration - Gillian Durieux (Doctoral Researcher)   (Lecture Hall)
Keynote (until 10:15) (Lecture Hall)
09:30 Quantitative genetic approaches to predicting micro-evolutionary dynamics of migration in the wild - Jane M. Reid (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU)   (Lecture Hall)
Talks (until 10:55) (Lecture Hall)
10:15 Unfolding Wings: Understanding the development of migration patterns and flight skills in a long-distance migrant - Andrea Flack (Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior )   (Lecture Hall)
10:35 Stonechat migratory divide in Asia – an unconventional avian model for the study of genetic migration - Tianhao Zhao (University of Groningen) Barbara Helm (Swiss Ornithological Institute )   (Lecture Hall)
10:55 --- Coffee Break ---
Keynote (until 12:15) (Lecture Hall)
11:30 Comparative analysis of a species assemblage reveals effects of migratory strategy on population genetic patterns in North American boreal birds - Teresa Pegan (University of Michigan)   (Lecture Hall)
Talks (until 10:30) (Lecture Hall)
09:30 Male migrants live fast and die young - Karl Wotton (University of Exeter ) Toby Doyle (University of Exeter )   (Lecture Hall)
09:50 Enhanced flight performance following repeated bouts of flight and recovery in an insect migrant - Oliver Poole (University of Exeter)   (Lecture Hall)
10:10 Risks to migrants in agroecosystems: increased sensitivity to pesticides linked to down-regulation of a key detoxification gene. - Jaimie Barnes (University of Exeter)   (Lecture Hall)
Keynote (until 11:15) (Lecture Hall)
10:30 Genomics of butterfly migration: insights from the painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) - Daria Shipilina (Uppsala University)   (Lecture Hall)
Talks (until 12:35) (Lecture Hall)
11:15 Conserved genetic diversity and preliminary support for behavioural changes after a rapid range expansion of a long-distance migrant (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) - Nora Bergman (University of Helsinki )   (Lecture Hall)
11:35 Sensing a long day at adult stage is cruical for Cnaphalocrocis medinalis to decide to migrate - Chao-min Xu (Nanjing Agricultural University)   (Lecture Hall)
11:55 How flexible is the migration strategy in Alpine swifts? - Christoph Meier (Swiss ornithological institute)   (Lecture Hall)
12:15 Could deep learning and population genomics unravel the mystery of songbird vagrancy? - Joe Wynn (Institute for Avian Research )   (Lecture Hall)
15:00 Welcome - Miriam Liedvogel (Institute of Avian research)   (Lecture Hall)
Keynote (until 16:00) (Lecture Hall)
15:15 The Australian Bogong moth - an emerging model system to investigate highly directed long-distance migration - Kristina Brauburger (Lund University)   (Lecture Hall)
16:00 Flash Talks   (Lecture Hall)
Poster Session (until 18:15) (Lecture Hall)
18:15 --- Finger Food Dinner ---
Poster Session (until 20:15) (Lecture Hall)
Talks (until 13:00) (Lecture Hall)
12:20 Molecular regulation of population-specific migratory behaviour in songbirds at single cell resolution - Jun Ishigohoka (MPI for Evolutionary Biology)   (Lecture Hall)
12:40 One or two quails? Migration and fenotype diversity leaded by a big chromosomal inversion - Ines Sanchez-Donoso (Doñana Biological Station (CSIC-EBD) )   (Lecture Hall)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Discussion (until 16:30) (Lecture Hall)
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Keynote (until 18:00) (Lecture Hall)
17:15 Unraveling the neural and genetic basis of species-specific song learning: A comparative single-cell transcriptomic analysis in songbirds - Kazuhiro Wada   (Lecture Hall)
18:00 --- Dinner ---
Poster Session (until 20:15) (Lecture Hall)
Talks (until 13:00) (Lecture Hall)
12:15 The genetic basis of partial migration in blackbirds - Matthias Weissensteiner (Institute of Avian Research)   (Lecture Hall)
12:35 Adaptation of Spanish robins (Erithacus rubecula) to habitats with different seasonality - Corinna Langebrake (Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" )   (Lecture Hall)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Workshop (until 16:30) (Lecture Hall)
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Poster Session (until 18:00) (Lecture Hall)
18:00 --- Dinner ---
Poster Session (until 20:15) (Lecture Hall)
12:35 Closing & Conclusion - Miriam Liedvogel (Institute for Avian Research)   (Lecture Hall)