Jun 17 – 19, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone
This meeting is planned to gather the people who have been part of the Evolutionary Theory Department since its start in 2014. Many of us have made a career after leaving this department, either in industry, academia or elsewhere. 
Thus, this meeting is open to presentations of all scientific directions that people took, since they are rooted in evolutionary theory. Moreover, many of us have left academia and pursued other, exciting careers. Those who are still in an academia are often asked for advice how to switch, but we are hardly in a position to judge the current working conditions outside academia. Therefore, we plan a panel discussion with those who have more recent experience in this. 
There is some funding for travel available, but it is highly appreciated if you find other means to finance a trip to Plön. Please let Arne and Ursula know by email if there are any special circumstances that we should consider. 