Keynote speaker:
University of Helsinki, Finland
Evolutionary conservation genomics
Invited speakers
Washington State University, USA
Theoretical population biology
University of Edinburgh, UK
Microbial population dynamics and evolution
University of Toronto, Canada
Evolutionary theory
MPI Evolutionary Biology, Germany
Stochastic evolutionary dynamics
University of Oregon, USA
Microbial ecology
University of Bergen, Norway
GEOMAR, Germany
Marine ecological and evolutionary genomics
Carnegie Institution for Science, USA
Plant evolution and ecology
Université de Toulouse, France
Quantitative Immunity in Plants
INRAE, Grignon, France
Antifungals, Mode of Action & Resistance
Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Non-genetic cancer resistance
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Cancer evolution and genomics
Kiel University, Germany
Antibiotic resistance evolution
Gulbenkian Institute, Portugal
Evolutionary Microbiology