11–14 Sept 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone


Conference location: ZMB, Kiel University

Sunday, 11th September


17:00-18:00          Registration

18:00-18:10          Opening

                            Tal Dagan, Kiel University, Germany

18:10-18:20          Greetings by the president of Kiel University

                            Simone Fulda, Kiel University, Germany

18:20-18:30          Musical intermission

18:30-19:10          Salmon are getting smaller. Is it adaptive and can anything be done about it?

                            Craig Primmer, University of Helsinki, Finland

19:10-19:20          Musical intermission

19:20                    Reception (at the botanical gardens)

Monday, 12th September

9:00-9:30              Limits to plasmid-driven adaptation of bacterial populations

                         Hildegard Uecker, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany

9:30-9:50           Segregational drift constrains the evolution of antibiotic resistance alleles in prokaryotic plasmids

                            Ana Garoña, Kiel University, Germany

9:50-10:20            Drug resistance as a case of evolutionary rescue: the role of pathogen ecological interactions

                            Helen Alexander, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

10:20-11:00          Coffee break

11:00-11:30          The tempo and mode of evolution of a strain in the mammalian gut microbiota

                            Isabel Gordo, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal

11:30-11:50          Bacterial evolved resistance against chemotherapies and its implication for the treated host

                            Amir Mitchell, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, United States

11:50-12:20          Microbiome-mediated evolutionary rescue in organisms and ecosystems

                            Brendan Bohannan, University of Oregon, United States

12:20-14:00          Lunch break (group photo)

14:00-14:30          Adaptation of a plant pathogen to fungicides: from population dynamics to the prediction and management of resistance. The case of Zymospetoria tritici.

                            Anne-Sophie Walker, INRAE BIOGER, France

14:30-14:50          Intraspecific diversification of pathogen defense signaling in the wild tomato species Solanum chilense

                            Remco Stam, Kiel University, Germany

14:50-15:20          The population genetics of adaptation and extinction in space

                            Moises Exposito-Alonso, Stanford University, United States

15:20-16:00          Coffee break

16:00-16:30        Resilience to global change: Insights from experimental evolutionary rescue in marine copepods

                            Reid Brennan, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

16:30-16:50          Indirect evolutionary rescue in a predator-prey system

                            Ruben Hermann, University of Konstanz, Germany

16:50-17:20          Physiological plasticity and evolution of thermal performance in zebrafish

                            Rachael Morgan, University of Bergen, Norway

17:30                    Poster session

Tuesday, 13th September

9:00-9:30              Chromosomal and extra-chromosomal resistance evolution in human cancers

                            Benjamin Werner, Barts Cancer Institute, England

9:30-9:50              Quantitative modeling of residual disease kinetics during cellular immunotherapy of leukemia and lymphoma

                            Philipp Altrock, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany

9:50-10:20            Beyond Darwin: understanding cancer persister cells

                            Yaara Oren, Tel Aviv University, Israel

10:20-11:00          Coffee break

11:00-11:30          The pace of somatic evolution: will clones adapt without sex?

                            Thorsten Reusch, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

11:30-11:50          Uniting community ecology and evolutionary rescue theory: community-wide rescue leads to a rapid loss of rare species

                            Timo van Eldijk, University of Groningen, Netherlands

11:50-12:20          Genetic signatures of evolutionary rescue

                            Matthew Osmond, University of Toronto, Canada

12:20-14:00          Lunch break

14:00-14:30          Evolutionary genomics of generalist parasitism in Ascomycetes

                            Sylvain Raffaele, INRAE Toulouse & LIPME, France

14:30-14:50          Recent range expansion of an ancient pseudocereal to novel environments

                            Akanksha Singh, University of Cologne, Germany

14:50-15:10          Concepts of livestock breeding and future challenges

                            Georg Thaller, Kiel University, Germany

15:10-15:40          Coffee break

15:40-16:10          Epigenetics to the (evolutionary) rescue?

                            Richard Gomulkiewicz, Washington State University, United States

16:10-16:30          Paramutation to the rescue?

                            Puneeth Deraje, University of Toronto, Canada

16:30-17:30          General discussion

18:30                    Conference dinner (Forstbaumschule Restaurant)

Wednesday, 14th September

9:00-9:30              How to prevent evolutionary rescue upon antimicrobial treatment of bacteria

                            Hinrich Schulenburg, Kiel University, Germany

9:30-9:50              The optimal dosing strategy for antibiotic combinations

                            Christin Nyhoegen, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany

10:00-11:30          Discussion groups (with coffee)

11:30-12:30          Reporting back from discussion groups & closing remarks

12:30-14:00          Lunch and farewell.