26–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration is closed

This workshop aims to clarify, update and expand on traditional evolutionary thinking by providing a platform for discussion. Critics have argued evolutionary studies very gene-centric and dismissive of other mechanisms contributing to evolutionary change. They call for a wider recognition particularly of:

• Niche construction theory
• Extra-genetic inheritance
• Developmental bias
• Phenotypic plasticity

And while the importance of these fields is backed by empirical evidence, wider recognition is trailing behind. We would like to change that. If this interests you, please join us and let's talk evolution…

All the accepted participants will be able to present their research either in the form of a talk or a poster. Participants who wish to present a poster will introduce their poster as a mini talk to spark discussions.

Invited and confirmed as speakers are:

  • Paul M. Brakefield (Trinity College, UK)
  • Luis-Miguel Chevin (CEFE, France)
  • Troy Day (Queen's University, Canada)
  • Ilkka Kronholm (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
  • Kevin Laland (University of St. Andrews, UK)
  • Sonia E. Sultan (Wesleyan University, USA)

Scientific Organizers: Noémie Erin, Alice Feurtey, Dominik W. Schmid, Vandana R. Venkateswaran (MPI for Evolutionary Biology, Plön)